Friday, 4 April 2014

A real WWII RAF Silk Map

Even though my journey is a long way off, I am starting to prepare with some training and planning of what gear to take. The real Colditz escapers would have had to make, steal or smuggle in everything they needed. So this makes my online shopping seem a bit lame. However I am enjoying the process of planning. For the actual escapers excellent planning was essential to maximise their chances of success, along with a great deal of luck.

For an Australian perspective on the Colditz POW experience I am reading The Diggers of Colditz by Jack Champ and Colin Burgess . This is one of the best books on Colditz and many of the other escapes which lead the men to be taken to this special camp. I am in awe of the resilience, ingenuity and defiance of these men, a better adventure story is hard to imagine.

I have decided to try and take some authentic items on the journey with me. I have managed to acquire an authentic RAF silk map of Germany as issued to the pilots. The WWII escapers didn't have google Maps.

Please Donate and encourage others to help reach my fundraising goal.