Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Day 2 & 3


The late September weather produced a cold night and so I needed the down jacket to shake off the morning chill. I wanted to make it to Zwickau for lunch time and hopefully some better internet to load up the story so far. The morning took me from cool misty valley to wide open farmland and onto deep pine forests. Never the same view twice. 

The real escapers are never far from my mind. I realize those who slept out would have had a really hard time without equipment. A few days of sleeping out in the cold and wet and the resolve to stay on the loose would start to wain. 

Another great sleep in the woods after about 37 km. The restorative power of sleep is quite amazing. I was glad to greet another clear dawn  and move my body against the early cold. I find the first 10km in the morning is the best. No fatigue the journey perfect in my head. 

I saw a lake on the map and planned to stop for a swim and clothes wash. Jumping into cold water never felt so good, made even better by putting on clean clothes. Refreshed and renewed I set off cross country to break the 100km and reach my 34 km target for today. 

One of my goals to emulate the original escapers was to glean food on the way. I have to say that stolen fruit tastes a lot better, or perhaps is fresher and I'm hungrier. 

After a long day with not many towns or food stops I feasted at the first Aldi I came to. A picnic in the Aldi car park never twisted so good. and as I had depleted my food during the day I went overboard resupplying and now have a much heavier pack. Next time I'll try to shop with my brain not my stomach 

I hope to post more regularly but the internet in small town South east Germany is not great. 

Sunday, 28 September 2014

The Escape


The day started what seems like a lifetime ago at 8 min passed midnight, two minutes before I had set an alarm to go off, as is often the case for me on "big" days. I had left everything ready to leave so it was just a matter of dressing and lifting my back pack and and walking out of the Castle. It all felt too simple. I thought of the minds and body's that had wrestled with the problems of leaving this castle and here I was with the key to the great door which exits the courtyard. It was cold and raining a fine misty rain which seemed to create the appropriate atmosphere for a clandestine departure. I set myself 10km before I would sleep just to get some distance from the castle. 

At first it was disconcerting in the pitch black. Then my eyes adjusted and the wet road reflected what little light there was. It was very peaceful. I can understand how the escapers could evade detection traveling at night on small roads as I saw no cars in 10 km over 2hrs. I'm sure the roads were less busy 70 odd years ago. 
A long look back at the castle before my journey. 

I decided to take a longer route to follow the river. This was spectacular and provided opportunity to wash myself and some clothes. 

Not a bad spot for a wash and some laundry. 

A suburb autum day to get started. 

Lunch time and dry some gear. 

Some excellent trails when I can get off the roads. 

Friday, 26 September 2014

Colditz -Day of the Escape.

Today I arrived in Colditz. I was able to tour the castle with the extremely knowledgeable Steffi Schubert who has personally met many of the prisoners and guards from Oflag IV C. It put my challenge in perspective reaching Switzerland in peace time compared with running the gauntlet of Nazi Germany. 
I Teamed up with Airey Neave in the Castle. 

I was able to give Steffi the copies of the Aussie Jack Millet made " jelly" maps I got from the Australian War Memorial. 

Tonight I will "escape" and walk about 10km before finding my first Sleeping spot.

Conditions in the rooms are better now than they were 70 years ago. 
 This is solitary confinement. 

So my adventure begins after much planning and so long thinking about it. I shall have a big beir and schnitzel tonight to set me up for the days ahead. 

Please support  at http://www.everydayhero.com.au/Colditzwalk

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Final preparations

I am on my  journey to Colditz now. The route I have taken is is in some ways an an abreviated version of the journey many of the orinigal POW's would have made. A one way flight to Berlin. A rail trip to Leipzig and then a road and rail combination to reach the sleepy Saxon town of Colditz with it's imposing Castle overlooking the gently flowing river Mulde. I have been going over my gear and thinking through any last minute details I may have forgotten. I makes me realize what a massive leap of faith and blinding optimism the original escapers had with such huge odds stacked against them. 

I am very happy to have passed $3500 raised before I start my escape. Thanks to everyone who has donated. Keep sharing please. 

I am especially happy to have had interest from the Colditz Society who are the real experts on the history of Oflag 4C and ensure the history of the prisoners is told. 

Tomorrow I will tour the Castle and revisit some of the incredible escapes and then hopefully slip away unnoticed that night. 

My escape kit.