Thursday, 25 September 2014

Final preparations

I am on my  journey to Colditz now. The route I have taken is is in some ways an an abreviated version of the journey many of the orinigal POW's would have made. A one way flight to Berlin. A rail trip to Leipzig and then a road and rail combination to reach the sleepy Saxon town of Colditz with it's imposing Castle overlooking the gently flowing river Mulde. I have been going over my gear and thinking through any last minute details I may have forgotten. I makes me realize what a massive leap of faith and blinding optimism the original escapers had with such huge odds stacked against them. 

I am very happy to have passed $3500 raised before I start my escape. Thanks to everyone who has donated. Keep sharing please. 

I am especially happy to have had interest from the Colditz Society who are the real experts on the history of Oflag 4C and ensure the history of the prisoners is told. 

Tomorrow I will tour the Castle and revisit some of the incredible escapes and then hopefully slip away unnoticed that night. 

My escape kit. 

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