Sunday, 28 September 2014

The Escape


The day started what seems like a lifetime ago at 8 min passed midnight, two minutes before I had set an alarm to go off, as is often the case for me on "big" days. I had left everything ready to leave so it was just a matter of dressing and lifting my back pack and and walking out of the Castle. It all felt too simple. I thought of the minds and body's that had wrestled with the problems of leaving this castle and here I was with the key to the great door which exits the courtyard. It was cold and raining a fine misty rain which seemed to create the appropriate atmosphere for a clandestine departure. I set myself 10km before I would sleep just to get some distance from the castle. 

At first it was disconcerting in the pitch black. Then my eyes adjusted and the wet road reflected what little light there was. It was very peaceful. I can understand how the escapers could evade detection traveling at night on small roads as I saw no cars in 10 km over 2hrs. I'm sure the roads were less busy 70 odd years ago. 
A long look back at the castle before my journey. 

I decided to take a longer route to follow the river. This was spectacular and provided opportunity to wash myself and some clothes. 

Not a bad spot for a wash and some laundry. 

A suburb autum day to get started. 

Lunch time and dry some gear. 

Some excellent trails when I can get off the roads. 

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