Tuesday, 14 October 2014

99km to Switzerland

I thought I'd try for an early start today to really get some km 's done. Turns out it really isn't propyl light until 7:45 so that was when I set off. 

I hadn't really got well prepared for the lack of shops for food on Sunday. I had eaten into my supplies for my evening meal last night. Smoked sausage and crisp bread. Thanks for asking. So understandably I was getting low after breakfast. After about 10km I passed a bakery closed but with people inside. They opened up for me and I had to quickly decided what to buy from the whole bakery. Needless to say I chose like a five year old and came out with a lot of cakes and Danish. After a. 30 min break and about a 1000 calories I hit the road to try and get the bulk of the K's done. 

After getting a good 20 KM done by lunch time I hit the wall a bit and struggled through the afternoon being passed by the elderly on Sunday afternoon strolls. I did pass a driving school with a great name. 

I again fell foul of the unpredictability of German towns. Towns of the same size can have a massive variation in the number of restaurants. Thankfully there is always the kebab. 

 but this does not give me the washing facilities that I would normally use. Well I'm escaping so I don't need to smell nice. First mission for Monday swim or a good wash. 

I managed 35 km for the day. Set up a simple early camp. In bed at dark which is 7:30!!

I started at first light and headed for the shops for a resupply. I was pretty motivated so made 20km before lunch and will try for another 15 to put me 33km from Switzerland. 

I'm sure I can hear yodeling but I may be hallucinating. 

It has been great to be walking in the forest again and off the main roads. 

Well we smashed $6000 and are already strongly towards $7000. Only one more sleep till the boarder crossing. Please get out there and rattle the tin for my Fred Hollows challenge. 



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