Saturday, 4 October 2014

Worst day best day.

Today was the hardest so far as I  didn't eat well at the start of the day therefore energy levels and consequently spirits were low. However the restorative peer of a warm gasthof, a cold beir, and a cordon bleu and the world looks a lot better. 

I'm trying not to count but I'm about a third of the way now so still some leg work to do. I'm not focusing on the distance but the serendipity of what each day brings and the ever changing chractor of the towns and dorfs I pass through.  

I managed to waste 20€ on a new lead for my iPhone. Tuns out it was just the classic pocket fluff problem. I wonder how many millions Apple have made from pocket fluff. 


From the hardest day to the best day. After a fantastic 9hr sleep I was able to walk 20km of magical forest trails trough the morning with autumn sun burning away the early mist to reveal the spectacular fall colours.

 I made a record distance and a great sleep. 


  1. Keep it up Mike and hope you are getting enough bratwurst and strudel!
    All the best for the second run!
