Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Day 4-5 crossing into Bavaria

Quite a day today after fresh morning swim I was able to spend the day on some small tracks through beautiful forests and farmland perfect escapist terrain. 

So far I have harvested apples pears and BlackBerries to supplement my food. All foods that would have meant survival to the real escapers. 

My legs and feet a holding out although complaining at the end of the afternoons each day. 

I think the main challenges for the Escaper going cross-country like me would be ; getting sleep, staying dry, eating enough to keep energy levels up and staying clean and presentable. I am trying to sleep next to lakes so I can wash myself and my clothes each day. 

Today I crossed the old border with the DDR, not much left now but still a powerful experience when you think about the restrictions people live from the war until 1989. I know growing up as a Cold War child I never thought I would be able to walk freely across this boarder. 

Last night presented the first poor weather I have experienced. I needed to set up my tarp and was able to stay very dry, quite happy with how my equipment performed. 

I woke up to a very foggy morning which turned into torrential rain, which again tested my gear to the limits. I was very grateful for my Gore-Tex eventually dried out in a little bakery in Gefrees. 

Thanks to everyone who has supported me. We have passed $4000 and on our way to $5000. It only takes $25 dollars to save sight. Just a couple of clicks away.

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