Thursday, 2 October 2014

Rain, fog, sun

Well the sun is back at it again and I'm in the process of washing and drying all my gear. I managed to stumble into a beautiful little spa town with leaf strewn well marked trials in the forest.

The legs feeling much stronger today and finished 30 kilometers before dinner with no problems. 

I managed to acquire a tic in my leg and have dealt with him harshly. I think he's regretting trying to camp out in my Marino undies.

I had a really nice campsite in the woods last night but woke up to a bit of fogy walking on the main road which wasn't too much fun. I have made it to Bayreuth now and really feel like getting some distance done. I think it should be about 12 more days from here.

Thanks to all those of you who have been supporting me. we are heading towards $5000 now, please keep spreading the word and encourage all your friends to match your donation, thanks again.

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