Thursday, 9 October 2014

Back to summer

Last night I think I had my favorite camp ever. I was able to set everything up in the daylight and was completely alone in the forest. 

I was greeted by the most fantastic summer day today which meant I could do some swimming and have a really good wash in a lake on the way. 

My walk today was all away from towns so no shops or cafés at all during the day. This meant I was really running low on food supplies by the time I got to dinner. 

I made it past Gienen and am heading for Ulm tomorrow, about 160 km to go to Switzerland so finally feeling like I'm going to make it. 

My legs have been holding up well today with the sticks taking a lot of pressure off feet and knees. Once you are over the feeling that you look like a total pillock. 

I ate dinner tonight restaurant called Hemingway's. I don't think Hemingway would've been seen dead in this place, but they certainly did a really good salmon pasta,  Which fllled me up after a day only eating my emergency rations.

We broke through the $5000 raised and are well on the way to $6000.  If you know someone who could save sight for $25 let them know and share my challenge.

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