Tuesday, 21 October 2014

One week on back in Australia

Exactly a week ago I was taking my last steps towards the Swiss border after my 600km journey from Oflag IV C Colditz Castle. I had planned to challenge myself and I certainly managed that.

 I hoped to raise $15000 for the Fred Hollows Foundation. At the time of crossing the border I had raised just over $6000 as of today I have raised over $12000 thanks to great support from individuals sharing my challenge and to a fantastic response to the article in the Age by Tony Wright about original Australian escaper and Map maker Jack Millett and my challenge. Thanks Tony for highlighting the life of Jack and my fundraising efforts for Fred Hollows. Thanks also to everyone who has shared my story and encouraged others to contribute.

I have had a little time to reflect on walking to Switzerland, when you first think about walking 600km it seems like a really long way. Once you start walking you realise that it's a ridiculously long way. However there were many unexpected bonuses. There was an incredible simplicity to just walking everyday, making sure I could eat enough, drink enough, had a place to sleep and was warm and dry. It allowed me enjoy common everyday things in an elevated way and re-calibrated my sense of what luxury is. I was able to savour the pleasure in a sunrise, a square of chocolate, a cup of tea, dry socks or an apple gleaned from a tree. I gained more pleasure from these simple things than from some of the most extravagant luxuries from normal life.

After walking 600km I was 5kg lighter, stronger, fitter and (with the exception of my feet) more free of aches and pains than I have been in years. Many of the original wartime escapers reported that they never felt as alive as when they were on the run in Germany. Admittedly I didn't have an army looking for me but I can understand the sentiment.

Just so you don't think it was all "beer and skittles" I have included a couple of photos of my feet.

I am so close to my goal now of saving sight for every km walked that I really hope I can make it with a few more donations. Please share the story with your friends and your enemies. Encourage people to match your donations and see if we can really make 600 people see again.

Many thanks for following my challenge.


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