Monday, 6 October 2014

Half way and a rest day.


I am at roughly the half way point on the walk. I deliberately set no target today for distance as my feet and legs needed an easier day. I was running out of suppllies as yesterday was a public holiday in Bavaria. I think Bavaria holds the world record for the number of public holidays, it is a wonder they get any BMW's built at all. 

I changed my route and headed for Heroldsberg. This lead me to a fabulous hotel breakfast buffet. The owner was so interested and impressed by my walk that he have me a free breakfast and insisted I take extra with me in a bag. For which I was very grateful. I shall donate the 10€ on his behalf. 

The most direct line was now through Nürnberg city centre so I took a brief walking tour of a beautiful city. 

I left Nürnberg through Stein where they have been making famous pencils since the 1700's apparently. I also found a great Pizza place and ate a colossal pizza. 

After a good sleep I continued south west with increasing blister problems  after 21km I stopped in Windsbach and decided to take a rest day to let my feet sort themselves out so I was in good shape for the rest of the journey. So right now my feet are out of the boots and will be back in action tomorrow. There are no photos of the blisters, as those of you who know me understand my dislike of gratuitous graphic medical pictures. 

I am half way and nearly $5000 raised. I need everyone to get friends involved to support my challenge. Every contribution counts.

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