Friday, 10 October 2014

Worst camp of the trip. Hard Km's to Ulm

I got caught out with daylight and had no camping spots, I had to press on in the dark and ended up digging a ditch against a tree on a big slope. It worked but was not my finest camp of the trip. 

The weather moved in and I spent most of the day in gortex so I just got my head down and tried to get some Km done. 

The weather picked up and I was able to follow the Danube into Ulm and enjoy the best beir of the walk so far.

 I have to say one of the great advantages of walking 35km a day is it raises your appreciation for food and drink. The most humble dish tastes like the greatest moment in culinary history. 

I have 130km to go so I can see the finish in 4 days. 

We are flying towards $6000 raised. Keep the support coming in only $25 saves a sight. Think of how that can transform a life. Encourage your friends to get on board. 

Sorry I haven't been able to thank everyone who has supported so far I have got behind on my thankyou emails.

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