Friday, 28 November 2014

Gear review

It is now more than a month since I finished my 600km escape Colditz Challenge. Through the marvellous generosity of my supporters I have raised over $16,000 for the Fred Hollows foundation which exceeds my initial goal and my wildest imagination of what I could raise. Thank you all on behalf of those you have allowed to see again.

The fundraising web site closes at the end of this month so if you still want to contribute or know someone who does please go to

I wanted to write a little about the gear I used as I know that I got great benefit from reading the blogs of other walkers in preparing for my walk.


This was a very important part of my kit. I used the Macpac Tasman 45 this is a lightweight pack which had just enough space for all my gear and basic supplies for the walk. I carried 11-14kg ( depending on how much food and water I had on board) in total comfort and if anything it improved my posture! Very flexible with good pocket access I was able to keep important items close to hand.

The Tasman 45 was tough despite it only weighing 1.1kg (less than one of my water bottles) It withstood some very rough treatment. The stretch side pockets were great for water bottles and could also be strapped down with bulkier items.

The Supertramp ventilated back system allows great airflow and reduces the dreaded sweetly back syndrome. The padded waist belt was comfortable and easy to adjust and transferred much of the weight easily onto the hips. This is a great lightweight pack and I highly recommend it for a long hike.


I walked in a pair of Merrell Moab Mid Gore-Tex . These boats were light and comfortable. They did get wet when walking through heavy dew covered grass and so didn't seem fully waterproof. They were also challenging to dry out once wet and I would need to stuff them with tissue overnight to get the moisture out.

Having said all that they were comfortable, supportive and had a grippy sole. They coped with all terrains that I encountered. By the end of the walk the artificial leather was disintegrating due to being wet for 18 days straight the sole was starting to detach from the upper due to using the side of my boot to dig a depression to sleep in each night. At the end of my challenge I had to throw them out after they had covered over 1000km. I did however buy a new pair directly on returning to Australia.

Sleeping bag

I took the Kathmandu Pathfinder for sleeping which was perfect for the autumn conditions n Europe. It was very compact, light and warm. I took a silk liner incase I had minus temperatures but never used it. Great shape easy to pack and an ideal temp for 10-5C nights.

Bivie Bag

I used an Dutch Military Breathable Bivie Bag. This was tough, fully waterproof and breathable. It had space for a lot of my essential gear inside to dry overnight. It had a hoop pole to keep it off my face, with a bug mesh screen to be open on dry nights. I could also close up completely if the weather got really bad. It was about 1Kg but well worth the weight, and as Ex Military good value at $100.

Mapping app

I used Forevermap by Scobbler on my iPhone. This allows you to download very detailed maps to the phone and then navigate offline. As I was on foot I wanted the most direct route and to be able to use trails and footpaths as much as possible. Forevermap delivered in a big way and put me on great little paths and trails many of which were otherwise completely unmarked. In the 600km I only mist a turn 3 times and all because I was not paying attention. It was easy on batteries as I wasn't online.

I fully recommend this to anyone heading through a new area on foot. Brilliant app.


I took a DD Hammocks Tarp which was an invaluable part of my kit. I only had a few wet nights but the Tarp provided effect cover in all situations. Many attachment points, tough webbing, stitching and super dry. I was able to pack it up very small and dry it quickly in the sunny spells during breaks. This Tarp gave me confidence that what ever the weather did I would have a dry nights sleep. Thanks DD Hammocks.


Honourable mention goes to all the merino clothing I took. I had a hoody that kept me warm in the early and late chill of the day. It also looked good enough to eat at restaurants without looking like I was sleeping in the woods (which of course I was). I had a merino Beanie/scull cap which was very warm for something the size and weight of a handkerchief. The Merino undies were comfortable, light, easy to wash and dry, highly recommended for all occasions.

I also took a battery pack with 5X phone charge to keep me powered up and ran my internet from a 3G mobile wireless hub from O2. This set up worked well and allowed me to stay in touch and blog though out the walk.

It have been a great adventure, amazing experience and I am planning my next challenge.

Thanks again for your interest and support.

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Setting a new target after passing my initial fundraising goal

Three weeks after finishing my challenge I have reached my fund raising initial target of $15,000. I set this as my goal as it represented someone's sight being restored for each of the 600km I walked. When I started walking it became apparent that this would be a very tough target to reach and I thought that perhaps half way might be more realistic. This was despite the fantastic support from so many of my friends around the world. Then something remarkable happened. The Fred Hollows foundation put out the story of my challenge and Tony Wright wrote a great story in "The Age" about Aussie Colditz POW Jack Millett and linked it to my challenge. At this time I had already reached Switzerland but then people from all over Australia, whom I have never met, started to donate, some donating as much as $1000. Soon I was on my way to to my target. As I write I have collected $15,615.50 for the Fred Hollows Foundation. I have set a new Goal of reaching $17,000.

I can't thank you enough for the support that has been shown by the donations of friends and strangers. The impact on the lives of the recipients of Fred Hollows sight restoring surgery is massive and spreads to their families and the whole community. I thank you on their behalf.

Three weeks on and I am definitely missing the simplicity of life on the run. I am still holding on to the new perspective it has given me and starting to imagine what the next challenge could be.

I have now increased the goal on my fundraising page to $17,000 as I would love it if more people want to donate and I will keep the page open for the rest of November.

I can't believe it was over a month ago now at midnight on the 27th September that I walked out of Oflag IV C Colditz Castle and set off for Switzerland. This is the video of me "escaping" at midnight that I had previously only posted on Facebook.

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

One week on back in Australia

Exactly a week ago I was taking my last steps towards the Swiss border after my 600km journey from Oflag IV C Colditz Castle. I had planned to challenge myself and I certainly managed that.

 I hoped to raise $15000 for the Fred Hollows Foundation. At the time of crossing the border I had raised just over $6000 as of today I have raised over $12000 thanks to great support from individuals sharing my challenge and to a fantastic response to the article in the Age by Tony Wright about original Australian escaper and Map maker Jack Millett and my challenge. Thanks Tony for highlighting the life of Jack and my fundraising efforts for Fred Hollows. Thanks also to everyone who has shared my story and encouraged others to contribute.

I have had a little time to reflect on walking to Switzerland, when you first think about walking 600km it seems like a really long way. Once you start walking you realise that it's a ridiculously long way. However there were many unexpected bonuses. There was an incredible simplicity to just walking everyday, making sure I could eat enough, drink enough, had a place to sleep and was warm and dry. It allowed me enjoy common everyday things in an elevated way and re-calibrated my sense of what luxury is. I was able to savour the pleasure in a sunrise, a square of chocolate, a cup of tea, dry socks or an apple gleaned from a tree. I gained more pleasure from these simple things than from some of the most extravagant luxuries from normal life.

After walking 600km I was 5kg lighter, stronger, fitter and (with the exception of my feet) more free of aches and pains than I have been in years. Many of the original wartime escapers reported that they never felt as alive as when they were on the run in Germany. Admittedly I didn't have an army looking for me but I can understand the sentiment.

Just so you don't think it was all "beer and skittles" I have included a couple of photos of my feet.

I am so close to my goal now of saving sight for every km walked that I really hope I can make it with a few more donations. Please share the story with your friends and your enemies. Encourage people to match your donations and see if we can really make 600 people see again.

Many thanks for following my challenge.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Across to Switzerland

I wanted to recreate as close as I could the route that Airey Neave and Pat Reid the original Colditz escapers would have used during their escapes. So I walked to Singen station where they would have arrived on the train ( they were smarter so didn't walk from Colditz.)

I walked out of Singen towards Ramsen which was the famous crossing point. It was a beauiful sunny day and would have been far removed from the desperate winter night time dash across the border that they would have experienced. 

My admiration for all thoes involved in POW escapes has only increased with my experience. I marvel at the ingenuity, the bravery, the persistence and optimism they displayed. 

I was happy and proud to have completed my challenge but sad that my simple life in the forest " on the run" was over. Honestly I don't think my feet would have made it much further without a significant break. 

The support in terms of donations and messages online has been truly fantastic and kept me moving when I was struggling. So a big thanks to everyone for that. 

I have offline donations to add and the donation page will stay open untill the end of November so please keep supporting Fred Hollows. Share my story and encourage your friends to contribute to an amazing cause.

Last night in the forest

I saw the alps tonight. It was a special felling after Leaving Colditz Castle on the night of the 27th September nearly 600km ago. 

This will be my last night camping out all going well I will be enjoying the comport of a hotel in Switzerland tomorrow night. 

I wanted to try and make good distance and so walked right up to dark. It was some of the worst main road with no foot path I have experienced. I was happy to get back on country roads. The terrain has really changed now. Tthe flat farmland has given way to foot hills and a more mountainous character. I was greeted with the most spectacular sunset which the photo doesn't do justice. 

I am very much looking forward to tomorrow's 30 km stroll to the border. 

I had the wettest night of the trip so far but a good camp kept me very dry and comfortable. All my gear has worked out perfectly, the tarp, the bivvie bag and the sleeping bag. 

This morning I'm walking in a thick fog hoping it will burn off through the day and I will have a view of Switzerland. 

I am so pleased we have passed $6000 and a good chuck of the way to $7000.  Keep the support coming in. Please let everyone know that today is the day I cross the Border and it's a great time to show support.

99km to Switzerland

I thought I'd try for an early start today to really get some km 's done. Turns out it really isn't propyl light until 7:45 so that was when I set off. 

I hadn't really got well prepared for the lack of shops for food on Sunday. I had eaten into my supplies for my evening meal last night. Smoked sausage and crisp bread. Thanks for asking. So understandably I was getting low after breakfast. After about 10km I passed a bakery closed but with people inside. They opened up for me and I had to quickly decided what to buy from the whole bakery. Needless to say I chose like a five year old and came out with a lot of cakes and Danish. After a. 30 min break and about a 1000 calories I hit the road to try and get the bulk of the K's done. 

After getting a good 20 KM done by lunch time I hit the wall a bit and struggled through the afternoon being passed by the elderly on Sunday afternoon strolls. I did pass a driving school with a great name. 

I again fell foul of the unpredictability of German towns. Towns of the same size can have a massive variation in the number of restaurants. Thankfully there is always the kebab. 

 but this does not give me the washing facilities that I would normally use. Well I'm escaping so I don't need to smell nice. First mission for Monday swim or a good wash. 

I managed 35 km for the day. Set up a simple early camp. In bed at dark which is 7:30!!

I started at first light and headed for the shops for a resupply. I was pretty motivated so made 20km before lunch and will try for another 15 to put me 33km from Switzerland. 

I'm sure I can hear yodeling but I may be hallucinating. 

It has been great to be walking in the forest again and off the main roads. 

Well we smashed $6000 and are already strongly towards $7000. Only one more sleep till the boarder crossing. Please get out there and rattle the tin for my Fred Hollows challenge.

Saturday, 11 October 2014

The Germans finally caught up with me.

I got an early start and had a magnificent 5km along the Danube in Ulm. 

After 15 days on the run the Baveria. Border patrol found me. Thommy, Helene and Johann my friends from Augsburg. 

It was really special to have friends to walk with and locals to share my experiences of the journey with. We had a great few Km's along the river before it was time for them to go back. 

It seemed  all my papers were " in ordnung" and so they let me go and gave me an Augsberg beir. Which was very much appreciated. 

After the social morning it was time to get down to some serious walking and I ended the day with just 99km left to Switzerland,  another big milestone. 

I got to camp early but in the rain so set up what I hope to be my final wet weather camp. Fingers crossed. 

Getting incredibly close to $6000 raised. I have only got 3 more days to Switzerland all going well. Please encourage others to join in and support my challenge for The Fred Hollows Foundation.

Friday, 10 October 2014

Worst camp of the trip. Hard Km's to Ulm

I got caught out with daylight and had no camping spots, I had to press on in the dark and ended up digging a ditch against a tree on a big slope. It worked but was not my finest camp of the trip. 

The weather moved in and I spent most of the day in gortex so I just got my head down and tried to get some Km done. 

The weather picked up and I was able to follow the Danube into Ulm and enjoy the best beir of the walk so far.

 I have to say one of the great advantages of walking 35km a day is it raises your appreciation for food and drink. The most humble dish tastes like the greatest moment in culinary history. 

I have 130km to go so I can see the finish in 4 days. 

We are flying towards $6000 raised. Keep the support coming in only $25 saves a sight. Think of how that can transform a life. Encourage your friends to get on board. 

Sorry I haven't been able to thank everyone who has supported so far I have got behind on my thankyou emails.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Back to summer

Last night I think I had my favorite camp ever. I was able to set everything up in the daylight and was completely alone in the forest. 

I was greeted by the most fantastic summer day today which meant I could do some swimming and have a really good wash in a lake on the way. 

My walk today was all away from towns so no shops or cafés at all during the day. This meant I was really running low on food supplies by the time I got to dinner. 

I made it past Gienen and am heading for Ulm tomorrow, about 160 km to go to Switzerland so finally feeling like I'm going to make it. 

My legs have been holding up well today with the sticks taking a lot of pressure off feet and knees. Once you are over the feeling that you look like a total pillock. 

I ate dinner tonight restaurant called Hemingway's. I don't think Hemingway would've been seen dead in this place, but they certainly did a really good salmon pasta,  Which fllled me up after a day only eating my emergency rations.

We broke through the $5000 raised and are well on the way to $6000.  If you know someone who could save sight for $25 let them know and share my challenge.

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Back on the Road again


Well it's good to be back on the road again. Autumn has moved in now and it's colder which is nice for walking and wetter not so nice. The feet are not 100% yet but my blister recovery ninja skills have improved and I covered 19km this morning without trouble. Another full night and they should be right. 

At the end of today I had done a solid 35km with the feet seeming to survive ok. They will need a lot of ongoing maintenance to get me to Switzerland. It didn't look pretty when the socks came off but after a nights sleep they sorted themselves out and are toughening up. 

The weather finally turned ugly and I had my wettest night yet when it absolutely poured down. I can't complain too much as I have had a miraculous run so far. I set up my tarp and had a totally dry night. My Tarp from DD Hammocks has been a   Priceless piece of kit and paid for its self last night. 

I have made it to Nördlingen and stocked up on ibuprofen to get me to Switzerland. I think I have a solid 6 days walking from here.

Monday, 6 October 2014

Half way and a rest day.


I am at roughly the half way point on the walk. I deliberately set no target today for distance as my feet and legs needed an easier day. I was running out of suppllies as yesterday was a public holiday in Bavaria. I think Bavaria holds the world record for the number of public holidays, it is a wonder they get any BMW's built at all. 

I changed my route and headed for Heroldsberg. This lead me to a fabulous hotel breakfast buffet. The owner was so interested and impressed by my walk that he have me a free breakfast and insisted I take extra with me in a bag. For which I was very grateful. I shall donate the 10€ on his behalf. 

The most direct line was now through Nürnberg city centre so I took a brief walking tour of a beautiful city. 

I left Nürnberg through Stein where they have been making famous pencils since the 1700's apparently. I also found a great Pizza place and ate a colossal pizza. 

After a good sleep I continued south west with increasing blister problems  after 21km I stopped in Windsbach and decided to take a rest day to let my feet sort themselves out so I was in good shape for the rest of the journey. So right now my feet are out of the boots and will be back in action tomorrow. There are no photos of the blisters, as those of you who know me understand my dislike of gratuitous graphic medical pictures. 

I am half way and nearly $5000 raised. I need everyone to get friends involved to support my challenge. Every contribution counts.

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Worst day best day.

Today was the hardest so far as I  didn't eat well at the start of the day therefore energy levels and consequently spirits were low. However the restorative peer of a warm gasthof, a cold beir, and a cordon bleu and the world looks a lot better. 

I'm trying not to count but I'm about a third of the way now so still some leg work to do. I'm not focusing on the distance but the serendipity of what each day brings and the ever changing chractor of the towns and dorfs I pass through.  

I managed to waste 20€ on a new lead for my iPhone. Tuns out it was just the classic pocket fluff problem. I wonder how many millions Apple have made from pocket fluff. 


From the hardest day to the best day. After a fantastic 9hr sleep I was able to walk 20km of magical forest trails trough the morning with autumn sun burning away the early mist to reveal the spectacular fall colours.

 I made a record distance and a great sleep. 

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Rain, fog, sun

Well the sun is back at it again and I'm in the process of washing and drying all my gear. I managed to stumble into a beautiful little spa town with leaf strewn well marked trials in the forest.

The legs feeling much stronger today and finished 30 kilometers before dinner with no problems. 

I managed to acquire a tic in my leg and have dealt with him harshly. I think he's regretting trying to camp out in my Marino undies.

I had a really nice campsite in the woods last night but woke up to a bit of fogy walking on the main road which wasn't too much fun. I have made it to Bayreuth now and really feel like getting some distance done. I think it should be about 12 more days from here.

Thanks to all those of you who have been supporting me. we are heading towards $5000 now, please keep spreading the word and encourage all your friends to match your donation, thanks again.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Day 4-5 crossing into Bavaria

Quite a day today after fresh morning swim I was able to spend the day on some small tracks through beautiful forests and farmland perfect escapist terrain. 

So far I have harvested apples pears and BlackBerries to supplement my food. All foods that would have meant survival to the real escapers. 

My legs and feet a holding out although complaining at the end of the afternoons each day. 

I think the main challenges for the Escaper going cross-country like me would be ; getting sleep, staying dry, eating enough to keep energy levels up and staying clean and presentable. I am trying to sleep next to lakes so I can wash myself and my clothes each day. 

Today I crossed the old border with the DDR, not much left now but still a powerful experience when you think about the restrictions people live from the war until 1989. I know growing up as a Cold War child I never thought I would be able to walk freely across this boarder. 

Last night presented the first poor weather I have experienced. I needed to set up my tarp and was able to stay very dry, quite happy with how my equipment performed. 

I woke up to a very foggy morning which turned into torrential rain, which again tested my gear to the limits. I was very grateful for my Gore-Tex eventually dried out in a little bakery in Gefrees. 

Thanks to everyone who has supported me. We have passed $4000 and on our way to $5000. It only takes $25 dollars to save sight. Just a couple of clicks away.

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Day 2 & 3


The late September weather produced a cold night and so I needed the down jacket to shake off the morning chill. I wanted to make it to Zwickau for lunch time and hopefully some better internet to load up the story so far. The morning took me from cool misty valley to wide open farmland and onto deep pine forests. Never the same view twice. 

The real escapers are never far from my mind. I realize those who slept out would have had a really hard time without equipment. A few days of sleeping out in the cold and wet and the resolve to stay on the loose would start to wain. 

Another great sleep in the woods after about 37 km. The restorative power of sleep is quite amazing. I was glad to greet another clear dawn  and move my body against the early cold. I find the first 10km in the morning is the best. No fatigue the journey perfect in my head. 

I saw a lake on the map and planned to stop for a swim and clothes wash. Jumping into cold water never felt so good, made even better by putting on clean clothes. Refreshed and renewed I set off cross country to break the 100km and reach my 34 km target for today. 

One of my goals to emulate the original escapers was to glean food on the way. I have to say that stolen fruit tastes a lot better, or perhaps is fresher and I'm hungrier. 

After a long day with not many towns or food stops I feasted at the first Aldi I came to. A picnic in the Aldi car park never twisted so good. and as I had depleted my food during the day I went overboard resupplying and now have a much heavier pack. Next time I'll try to shop with my brain not my stomach 

I hope to post more regularly but the internet in small town South east Germany is not great. 

Sunday, 28 September 2014

The Escape


The day started what seems like a lifetime ago at 8 min passed midnight, two minutes before I had set an alarm to go off, as is often the case for me on "big" days. I had left everything ready to leave so it was just a matter of dressing and lifting my back pack and and walking out of the Castle. It all felt too simple. I thought of the minds and body's that had wrestled with the problems of leaving this castle and here I was with the key to the great door which exits the courtyard. It was cold and raining a fine misty rain which seemed to create the appropriate atmosphere for a clandestine departure. I set myself 10km before I would sleep just to get some distance from the castle. 

At first it was disconcerting in the pitch black. Then my eyes adjusted and the wet road reflected what little light there was. It was very peaceful. I can understand how the escapers could evade detection traveling at night on small roads as I saw no cars in 10 km over 2hrs. I'm sure the roads were less busy 70 odd years ago. 
A long look back at the castle before my journey. 

I decided to take a longer route to follow the river. This was spectacular and provided opportunity to wash myself and some clothes. 

Not a bad spot for a wash and some laundry. 

A suburb autum day to get started. 

Lunch time and dry some gear. 

Some excellent trails when I can get off the roads.